2 June 2022

Now available: Second generation zeus burnishing tools

The easy and reliable way to burnish surfaces with roughness depths of less than Rz 1 µm

Improved burnishing process thanks to optimized spring stroke and tool head

In the world of metalworking, the ability to create extremely smooth surfaces with roughness depths of less than Rz 1 µm is increasingly in demand in many different industries. The zeus burnishing tools do the job quickly, efficiently and cost effectively. To enhance process stability and improve handling the tools has been optimized.

Fine machining processes such as grinding, lapping, honing and polishing are normally performed as standalone processes and so can be extremely time-consuming and expensive. The zeus diamond burnishing tools can be used on all standard lathes (conventional, CNC- and Swiss type lathes). Their compact design also means that they can be deployed in machines with limited working space. They are user-friendly and easy to handle and can be operated without additional equipment.

Dank einer höheren Gangzahl erreicht die Wälzfräser-Lösung von Hommel+Keller eine gute Spanbildung bei geringem Vorschub. Da das Werkzeug das Material richtig schneidet statt zu drücken, wurde der Verschleiß des Fräsers ebenfalls reduziert. Zudem entstehen durch den geringen Vorschub nur kleine Vorschubmarkierungen, was sich positiv auf die Qualität der Verzahnung und der Oberfläche des Werkstücks auswirkt. Auch die Bearbeitungszeit konnte auf 23 Sekunden gesenkt werden.
Tobias Konz, Vertriebsleiter bei der Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH, freut sich über dieses erfolgreiche Beispiel der HOBit Prozessoptimierung: „Wir haben an verschiedenen Stellschrauben des Verzahnungsprozesses gedreht: Dadurch konnten wir über 60 Prozent der Bearbeitungszeit für die Verzahnung einsparen und den Verschleiß deutlich reduzieren. Das war wirklich ein tolles Ergebnis für uns und selbstverständlich auch für unseren Kunden.“

Constant contact pressure and longer tool lives

The spring stroke system is now a single unit. This allows fine adjustment to be performed via the machine, making it easier to achieve the perfect infeed and a constant contact pressure. As a result, the tool adapts perfectly to the geometry of the workpiece. The new tool head design also improves axle guidance because the axle is stabilized in the tool head. This also helps to achieve a constant contact pressure and perfect burnishing process.

And to increase the lifetime of the diamond burnishing tips, they can be used in eight different positions. This means that the entire circumference of the tip is used, minimizing wear and tear. Changing the diamond tip is very simple, and, thanks to the four clamping surfaces, it stays firm and secure in the tool head.

Entry-level model for Swiss type lathes

The GW510 zeus burnishing tool is the ideal solution for simple applications like burnishing shafts with cylindrical surfaces. Its highly compact design means that it can be easily deployed in small machine spaces.

Flexible burnishing tool for demanding applications

The GW520 zeus burnishing tool is ideal for burnishing complex geometries with narrow tolerances. It is flexible and capable of machining convex surfaces as well as concave, cylindrical, conical and end faces. The head can be adjusted variably in a swivel range of ± 90° and so is designed for universal use. It is also capable of handling extremely low tolerances.

Whether quality steels, stainless steels, copper, brass or aluminium – our burnishing tools significantly enhance the performance and quality of high-precision products. The smooth and strengthened surfaces allow the burnished components to withstand higher stresses, significantly increasing their lifetime. Wear and tear on the machine elements are also reduced, as are operating temperatures and operational noise. All these improvements allow users to deploy our zeus burnishing tools with even greater speed and ease. The burnishing process is safer than ever, and high-quality surfaces with roughness depths of less than Rz 1 µm can be achieved.