Where each era
a chapter
of success.

Development of a strategy for sustainability and environmental management
Introduction of the segment organization – for faster delivery times and even more customer focus


Commissioning of the first in-house hardening furnace
Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH moves into the new company building.
Over 2000m2 of production space allows the expansion of production capacity.
State-of-the-art workstations, generous communication areas and more space for process and product development set the course for growth.


The strategic realignment will now be followed by a spatial separation.
In spring 2020, Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH will move into a newly built administration and production building,
The H+K Group is undergoing a strategic realignment.
On January 1, 2017, Sigmund Grimm takes over the shares of Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH and QUICK Tooling GmbH.
The hardening and coating technology divisions are spun off.
On December 31, 2017, QUICK Tooling GmbH is merged with Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH.


The new Zeus diamond smoothing tools division is developed in-house and presented at the EMO in Hanover in 2017.
The hardest surfaces can be smoothed and a surface quality of less than 1µm can be achieved.
Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH adds gear cutting tools to its product portfolio under the HOBit brand.
The gear hobbing and form milling sector has been an integral part of the in-house production of Zeus knurling tools for decades and forms the solid basis for the development of a separate brand for gear cutting tools.


Hommel+Keller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH takes over the QUICK knurling tool division from SWAROVSKI OPTIK KG, Austria, and transfers it to the new QUICK Tooling GmbH based in Aldingen.
Sigmund Grimm has been a member of the management team since 1997 and joins the company as a shareholder in 2005.
He becomes managing director of all three divisions.
In March 2005, the official ground-breaking ceremony marks the start of construction work on the new administration and production building in Brunnenstrasse.


Hommel+Keller exhibits for the first time at the Singapore trade fair and later also in Japan.
The measuring tools division is sold.
The knurling technology product area grows and a global dealer network is established.
With two small hardening furnaces, which are used for the production of knurling tools, the company begins processing contract orders.
At the same time, the knurling tool program is expanded and new sales channels are sought.
For reasons of space, the hardening technology division is outsourced.
A new building is erected on the Brunnenstraße 34 site.


The company headquarters at Uhlandstr.
8 in Aldingen is acquired and expanded.
In 1954, the Munich Patent Office issues a patent for a Zeus knurling tool.
The dismantling of factory equipment begins in the French occupation zone.
Only through intensive negotiations does Hommel+Keller succeed in converting the ordered complete dismantling and demolition of the factory into partial dismantling and compensation payments.


The call-up also leads to staff shortages at Hommel+Keller. Due to a shortage of electricity, the company works alternating shifts day and night. Unfortunately, some employees do not return after the war.
Jakob Keller and Georg Hommel take over the Messwerkzeug Aldingen and found the company Hommel+Keller KG.